22hb January 2011..
i've a little fight with someone..i remember it all so cleary as if it was just yesterday..i even dunnoe diz guy actly..yess...i noe diz guy since my first sem at UMS and he quite cool and gorgeos guy in my school...but....ermmmm... so proud woo diz guy and he av a gf...not so beuty...dunnoe why he loves his gf......from the first tym i saw dem....i said to my self.....i want to replace datz girl!!yes!! i want to be someone special to diz guy...but tym change and i'm almost forgot about my will.... den datz nitez... i dunnoe...how itz start... we av a little fight..just like datz n suddenly we close for each other...
He iz a perfect guy i ever met....he was so amazing..we be a very good friend and our relationship progressed with the name of friendship...itz just happen....he asked me to stop going to clubing...and i do....he asked me to colour my hair back to d black one...and i do...he asked me to stop walking around at nitez...and i do...he asked me to stoped wearing the sexy cloths...and i do..... he really take care of me.....he even can't if we far from each others.....but why???he juz my friends...but i'm willing to heard watever he asked me to do...
To this day, i haven't a single clue why he choose me in the first place..but so many thing we av been through together..we olwez fight....cry..angry.....love.....but one things he never do is...to ignore me....no matter hw bad my mistakes....he olwez comes to comfort me..to forgive me...
itz just happen..unplaned....he go to ums n met me....as a friend....and i gve him the present i buy from philipines...still as a friend....but somthing diffrent.....OUR FEELING.. itz not d same anymore.....n like i said b4..itz just happen...we declare and i'm proud to be his honey...i never regret with my dicision to be with him....i love him enough to choose him... i love him enough to spend my life with him..i love him enough to risk my heart....and all i want is to be with him....i dunnoe until when...but for sure...i want him to be my last...I NEVER REGRET.... coz diz iz the guy i've dreamed before....i love u bey...
Analisis TAJMA
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13 years ago