About Me

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Nell Huriean
I am me and that's all I can be...I'm not perfect and never claimed to be...but I am happy with who I am and with the decisions I have made in my life... NoBOdy perfectly noe EvERYTHINg AbouT me... I am a daughter, a SisteR, a Grand-Daughter, A niece, a cousin, a FrienD, a StudeNt, a Young girl And a grown woman. I aM confident And SCArED, TERRIFied anD exited. I am LovING AND cARing and thoughtful anD hOPEful. I am Shy anD friendly, anD careful AND carleSS. I am hard working anD determined But a little scared on tHe inside. I PraY to GOD and CrY My tEaRS. i listen To Others & olwez gave a chance for someone who deserved itz. I LoVE yoU anD I want yoU But nOt so close. I aM everything anD nothing alL at OnCE..feel free to visit my blog yaa..all about my Tales... Nell Heart you...
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Confused wif my self...

amcm nak lupa kisah 6 tahun g2 jak????
even dia dah married..... i noe...mmg salah akue ingat kat dia....
bt it'z not my choice....


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